Here’s Why You Should Consider Investing in Gold


Gold prices are continuing to rise well into the second quarter. With an increased value of approximately 20%, gold is proving to be quite the promising investment in 2024. In addition to its upward-trending value, it’s also a great investment to have. Let’s take a look at why you should consider investing in gold in 2024.

1. Gold is considered to be one of the safest investments.

It is universally recognized and valued as a form of currency, and it is relatively stable compared to other types of investments. We like to think of gold as a type of insurance for your investment portfolio—it’s a low-risk, safe bet.

2. Gold is great for diversifying your investment portfolio.

It tends to do well when other types of investments, such as real estate or stocks, are not performing as well. You don’t want to put all your nest eggs in one basket; gold is a great way to protect your wealth alongside riskier or less stable investments.

3. You can easily borrow against your gold bullion for an asset loan or sell when you’re short on cash.

At Qollateral, we turn our clients’ gold into same-day cash, and we can testify to just how wonderful it is as an investment. Gold is the ultimate safety net. It may fluctuate based on factors such as demand, production, reserves, the geopolitical climate, etc., but it is always valuable, and it is very easy to transform your gold into cash when you need it.

4. Gold can be a hedge against inflation in the long-term.

A brief refresher: when prices continue to rise, but the value of money falls, this is inflation. With the same amount of money, you have less purchasing power. This is not the same for gold owners, in general, because the value of gold is not determined by the value of the local currency. In fact, as the U.S. dollar weakens, gold tends to perform better—and vice versa.

5. Historically, we have seen that as interest rates increase, the cost of gold also increases.

Currently, we are in a period of rising interest rates, and what we’ve seen since the end of 2022 is that gold is predictably rising along with them. That’s why it’s a great idea to invest in gold in 2024.

6. In the event of an extreme and/or unlikely scenario, such as the collapsing of banks, gold is like the bottled water you’ve stored away in your disaster supplies kit.

It can always be sold, and it can always be traded. You may never need it for this purpose, but it can’t hurt to be prepared for anything.

Gold is one of our top recommendations when it comes to asset investments, alongside luxury watches, luxury brand jewelry, and gemstones, because we’ve seen how well these assets can act as financial safety nets for our clients. They are quickly and easily converted into cash, whether borrowed against or sold. Overall, gold is a classic, low-risk investment that is highly advantageous for every individual, regardless of their financial situation.

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